
Dr. Uche Odiatu is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant, an NSCA certified trainer, a Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach, the co-author of two books: The Miracle of Health and Fit for the LOVE of it! and a professional member of the America College of Sports Medicine. He is a board member of the Holistic Allied Professional Association. Dr. Odiatu maintains a dental practice in Toronto and has inspired audiences at the largest dental conferences in the world and for Fortune 500 companies. He has been the invited guest on over 300 radio and TV shows, including ABC 20/20 and Canada AM.Course Outline:

Mick Jagger is 73, Paula Abdul is 53, Rod Stewart is 71, and Halle Berry is 48. Why not have their energy levels and vitality? Hey, 25, 35 or 65! Don’t you want to kick off the covers and spring out of bed with incredible spirit? Do you want to be more energetic and ready for a busy clinic day without aches and pains?

Learning Objectives:

After this session we’ll have you bouncing out the door ready to take on the world each morning:

  • FORTIFY your body with the TOP Age-Defying FOODS for a powerful clinic day
  • Receive Dr Uche’s top supplement list and why each one plays a role in keeping your edge.
  • Discover the FOUR key strategies you must MASTER to turn back the hands of time
  • EMPOWER yourself to enjoy a long rewarding dental career
  • Maintain your balance and flexibility – practical ergonomics
  • Discover how to combat SARCOPENIA (muscle wasting). We lose 1% of our muscle mass per year from 30 to age 70 and it affects everything we do from walking to thinking to oral hygiene at home.
  • Receive the latest science on Interval Training & its best use for busy professionals.
  • Become your patient’s best role model for OPTIMAL HEALTHY living
  • LEARN how the oral cavity changes with each decade of life and how to inspire patients for optimal home care
  • CREATE a personal blueprint to stay healthy, active and strong from this day forward
  • UNDERSTAND how the human body ages and the new science of anti-aging
  • UNCOVER the code to living without chronic pain and discomfort

CE EVent - Secure Healthcare: Protecting Patient Privacy and Data Integrity, Cybersecurity for Healthcare Professionals and Risk Management in Oral Surgery, Precision in Practice: Risk Mitigation in Dental Implant Surgery; and Oral Cancer Care Evolved: Up


  • vendredi le 08 novembre, 2024 de 8h30 à 15h30
  • Ottawa Conference and Event Centre
    200 Coventry Road
    Ottawa, Ontario
    K1K 4S3


Dr. Ian Furst - Secure Healthcare: Protecting Patient Privacy And Data Integrity. Cybersecurity For Healthcare Professionals And Risk Management In Oral Surgery (8:30 A.m. - 12:00 P.m.) - MORNING - Cat 1

8 novembre 2024  08:30 - 12:00
Frais: $0.00
Place Disponible:84

Secure Healthcare: Protecting Patient Privacy and Data Integrity. Cybersecurity for Healthcare Professionals and Risk Management in Oral Surgery

Dr. Ian Furst

8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

In the dental office, we often think about hygiene, prevention, infection and disease. We know that viruses and disease are ubiquitous, and no one is immune from the threat of illness. Like in life, the cyber landscape is full of risk. Decision-makers need to think in clinical terms about their information technology infrastructure. Systems should not be thought of as either clean or infected, but in terms of a wellness model that considers susceptibility, resilience, wellness, vulnerability to infection and recoverability.
This course will help decision-makers understand how to protect the integrity of digital records, and how their networks store and access data. It will give them a checklist based framework, from a clinicians perspective, to guide discussions with their IT professionals, create policies in the office, and place an emphasis on multiple, overlapping and mutually supportive defensive systems that balance benefits, risks and costs.


Learning Objectives

  • Identify what falls into patient data, and if it’s integrity is “intact”

  • Identify how IT is currently being used, the physical make up of an IT network, and key policies that need to be in place.

  • Identify the core assets in their own practice that need protection and identify the most-significant threats to their business • Learn what to discuss with IT professionals, as a decision-maker, to build a threat-based, layered and defensive network architecture.



Dr. Ian Furst is Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon from Waterloo, Ontario. He is a partner at Coronation Dental Specialty Group, a staff surgeon at Cambridge Memorial Hospital, a clinical instructor for the graduate surgery program at the University of Toronto, and surgeon for the Swisscross Foundation where he provides humanitarian reconstructive surgery for people wounded in war.

Dr. Furst has served as president of the Ontario Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Ontario Association of Dental Anaesthesia. A forensic consultant to the Huron & Perth County coroners, a board member to the Information and Communications Technology Council of Canada’s National Cybersecurity Leadership Council, a subject expert and editor for Wikipedia Project Medicine, and currently serves as Swisscross’s Chief Executive Officer.