

1. What’s in your toolbox? Making the most of your diagnostic tools in Oral Radiology, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology.


2. Oral Radiology, Oral Medicine and Pathology: Booster Shot

8:30AM - 3:30PM

Friday, April 4, 2025



Presented by: Dr. Susanne Perschbacher, DDS, MSc, Dip ABOMR, FRCD(C)
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 

Dr. Kristina Perschbacher, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C)

Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine


Where: Ottawa Conference and Event Centre

200 Coventry Road

Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4S3


Course Outlines
1. What’s in your toolbox? Making the most of your diagnostic tools in Oral Radiology, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology.
From the best ways to use your eyes and your hands to examine the structures of the oral cavity to the most meaningful application of advanced modalities such as panoramic radiography, cone beam computed tomography and biopsy, this session will highlight some of the approaches that will allow clinicians to most efficiently use some of the diagnostic aids at their disposal. Cases will be used to illustrate the essential features of many different types of oral pathology.
Learning Objectives

Participants will learn:

  • an approach to examination and interpretation of soft tissue lesions and considerations for successful biopsy

  • the appropriate selection of imaging modalities and an approach to radiologic interpretation of osseous pathology

  • tips for improving communication with patients and other practitioners


2. Oral Radiology, Oral Medicine and Pathology: Booster Shot

Are you due for a booster? This lecture is a case-based refresher of clinically-relevant pathology that is not encountered by clinicians on a daily basis and therefore may pose a diagnostic challenge. The key features that help identify the interpretation or diagnosis of an abnormality are presented. Classic and atypical cases will be contrasted and “red-flag” features will be highlighted. Boost your recognition and understanding of oral squamous cell carcinoma associated precursor lesions. Management will be discussed where appropriate.

Participants will:

  • analyze key features for diagnosis of soft tissue and radiologic lesions
  • compare common presentations and variants
  • recognize features suggestive of aggressive disease
  • identify lesions at risk for transformation to squamous cell carcinoma


Dr. Susanne Perschbacher is an Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist dividing her time between Oral Radiology practice and teaching at University of Toronto. She is also a consultant at SickKids Hospital. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada, a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and a lead author of the textbook "Diagnostic Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial''.

Dr. Kristina Perschbacher is a specialist in Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada. The majority of Kristina's time is spent seeing patients in private Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine practice. She also teaches in the undergraduate oral pathology and postgraduate oral pathology and oral radiology programs at the University of Toronto.



***To be eligible for a refund, cancellations must be received and/or requested BEFORE Friday, March 28, 2025.***


***Any refund requests or cancellations received 

AFTER Friday, March 28, 2025,

are no longer eligible for a refund and 



What's in your Toolbox? Making the Most of your Diagnostic Tools & Oral Radiology, Oral Medicine and Pathology Booster Shot - Drs. Susanne and Kristina Perschbacher

  • Friday Apr 04 2025, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Ottawa Conference and Event Centre
    200 Coventry Road
    Ottawa, Ontario
    K1K 4S3

Event Workshops

What's In Your Toolbox? Making The Most Of Your Diagnostic Tools In Oral Radiology, Oral Medicine And Oral Pathology

April 4, 2025  08:30 - 12:00
Fee: $0.00
Seats Remaining:142

From the best ways to use your eyes and your hands to examine the structures of the oral cavity to the most meaningful application of advanced modalities such as panoramic radiography, cone beam computed tomography and biopsy, this session will highlight some of the approaches that will allow clinicians to most efficiently use some of the diagnostic aids at their disposal. Cases will be used to illustrate the essential features of many different types of oral pathology.
Learning Objectives

Participants will learn:

  • an approach to examination and interpretation of soft tissue lesions and considerations for successful biopsy

  • the appropriate selection of imaging modalities and an approach to radiologic interpretation of osseous pathology

  • tips for improving communication with patients and other practitioners